Tassel Garland Tutorial

Friday, January 30, 2015

Today I am going to show you how I made the tassel garland that I made for Amelia's first birthday on Sunday. 

I picked up these tissue papers in a local card shop and really loved the colours especially the mint green.  I also found some washi tape in my stash that match quite well. 

I cut the tissue paper into strips. I think I took the harder route of making the tassel's like this rather than keeping the tissue paper whole and cutting strips into it, but I started it like this so continued. 

Next I gathered some of the strips and folded them in half and taped them up making a little loop of the top to thread the yarn though to hang it up. 

I just added the tassel's to some yarn and put the yarn through the loop twice so keep the tassel's in place. 

I hung the garland up under some shelves above my dining table and placed the yarn number one that I showed on Wednesday, above the garland.

I really like the colour combinations of the tassel garland and the yarn number and worked well with the stone colour of the wall.

It was so easy to make, adds a lovely pop of colour and you could make one for any occasion.

This, like the yarn number, will probably be put on a wall in the girls room to add some more colour.

What do you think to this simple garland? Let me know. 

Yarn Number One Tutorial

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On Monday, I showed some pictures of Amelia's first birthday and showed some of the things I had made. Today I am going to show you how I made the yarn number one.


To make the number, I used some cardboard. I started off with one piece but in the end, ended up using three pieces to make it stronger. I went with some pink yarn and also gathered the tools I needed. 

To make the number one shape I kind of just draw it freehand but you could print a number from word or something similar. 

I cut out the shape with a craft knife and just made sure the edges were clean and not jagged. 

Next, I started wrapping the yarn around the cardboard making sure I taped the end to begin with. 

I carried on wrapping the yarn around the cardboard until I had wrapped it around in both directions and then wrapped the yarn around a few more times a bit more randomly to secure the yarn more.

This is the finished result. I was really pleased with the way it turned out and love the colour of the yarn.

I was going to embellish the number with bows and flowers but in the end I decided to keep it simple and just added a bow clip that I had made for the girls at Christmas and I really love the mint green with the pink.

Here is the yarn number hung on the wall and I just slotted it on to a nail gently between some of the yarn.

This took me a little longer to make than I originally thought it would because I needed to add more layers of cardboard but once I had sorted out that it was really easy to wrap the yarn around. 

I think this makes such a cute birthday decoration and you can keep this on a wall in the child's bedroom, which is what I intend to do. 

What do think? Is it something you would try? Let me know. 

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

Happy First Birthday Amelia

Monday, January 26, 2015

Finally I am back with a blog post! I have had some computer problems as my computer is so slow but hopefully can post some of the post I have ready to post this week.

Anyway, yesterday was Amelia's first birthday. The year has gone so fast and I can't believe that I now have a one year old! 

We decided to have a little tea party for her at home and I decided that I was going to make a few things to decorate the house. 

I also decided to buy a ready iced cake and then decorate myself. Hollie wanted to help me so she helped me do the pink and green iced hearts. I just used a icing tube to write 'Happy Birthday Amelia' and made a little banner too. 

To make the banner I just used some cake pop sticks, some thread, and some number ones that I had die cut from some pink and green card and just taped them to the thread and the thread to the sticks, with some washi tape. 

Hollie also wanted to make some cupcakes so we made some basic cupcakes, added some frosting and then made some number one sticks with some cocktail sticks and some of the same green number one die cuts like the banner on the cake.

Hollie really wanted to have a cake stand to put them on too.

For the decoration, I made a yarn number one and a tassel garland and there will be a post up later in the week about how I made those. 

For Amelia's outfit, I wanted her to wear the same outfit that Hollie wore for her first birthday even down to the little Daisy Roots soft shoes!

Amelia started to open her presents but her sister soon took over when she wasn't opening them quick enough!

Amelia really enjoyed the food and especially the cake!

She also had fun opening her presents and playing with her new toys.

As usual the kids didn't sit still so trying to take a photo of them meant there was always going to be a bit of a blur happening!

Amelia got some new toys and some lovely clothes from her aunties too including some Frozen tops!

So with one birthday down, it's one to go as Hollie is 7 in 2 weeks! 

Goals for 2015

Friday, January 02, 2015

Happy New Year!

It's been a while since I have blogged properly, so I thought I would start the new year with some goals - personal and for the blog. 

Personal Goals.

- Weekly menu planning. I need to do this to encourage the family to eat better.

- Spend more time with Hollie. Having 2 kids now, I need to give Hollie more one on one time.

- Take Amelia to baby groups. She loves playing with her sister but she needs to interact with others and in a different environment.

- Drink more water. This is a common one for a lot of people I know but I have been getting a lot of headaches recently so I think this will help.

- Get a DSLR camera. I would love a good camera to take photos with.

 - Learn more about photography.  This goes with the DSLR really but would like to learn more about photography generally.

 - Finish decorating the house. We have lived in our house for 10 years and there are still walls and ceilings that need to be finished painting!

 - Sort out the garden. Need to add some plants and flowers as there aren't any and add some toys for the girls. 

Blogging Goals.

 - Post at least 2-3 times a week.  Having not blogged for 6 months, this to me is important.

 - Keep up with social media. I love Instagram but don't keep up enough with facebook and twitter. 

 - You tube Videos. I started making craft videos a few years ago but didn't continue with them so would like to make some more videos, not sure on what topics though yet.

 - Keep organised and focused. I am sorting out my planner at the moment to help keep me organised and a have a list of some blog ideas to keep me focused.

 - Write about more topics and not worry about it! One reason I stopped blogging back in July was because I wanted to blog about more things than just crafts but didn't think people would be interested, for some reason, but I am going to write about lots of different topics this year and see how people like them.

So these are my goals for 2015. It will be interesting to see if  I can accomplish them this year. 

I would love to hear any of your goals for 2015 too!

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Personal Goals 2015

Blogger Goals 2015


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