Goals for 2015

Friday, January 02, 2015

Happy New Year!

It's been a while since I have blogged properly, so I thought I would start the new year with some goals - personal and for the blog. 

Personal Goals.

- Weekly menu planning. I need to do this to encourage the family to eat better.

- Spend more time with Hollie. Having 2 kids now, I need to give Hollie more one on one time.

- Take Amelia to baby groups. She loves playing with her sister but she needs to interact with others and in a different environment.

- Drink more water. This is a common one for a lot of people I know but I have been getting a lot of headaches recently so I think this will help.

- Get a DSLR camera. I would love a good camera to take photos with.

 - Learn more about photography.  This goes with the DSLR really but would like to learn more about photography generally.

 - Finish decorating the house. We have lived in our house for 10 years and there are still walls and ceilings that need to be finished painting!

 - Sort out the garden. Need to add some plants and flowers as there aren't any and add some toys for the girls. 

Blogging Goals.

 - Post at least 2-3 times a week.  Having not blogged for 6 months, this to me is important.

 - Keep up with social media. I love Instagram but don't keep up enough with facebook and twitter. 

 - You tube Videos. I started making craft videos a few years ago but didn't continue with them so would like to make some more videos, not sure on what topics though yet.

 - Keep organised and focused. I am sorting out my planner at the moment to help keep me organised and a have a list of some blog ideas to keep me focused.

 - Write about more topics and not worry about it! One reason I stopped blogging back in July was because I wanted to blog about more things than just crafts but didn't think people would be interested, for some reason, but I am going to write about lots of different topics this year and see how people like them.

So these are my goals for 2015. It will be interesting to see if  I can accomplish them this year. 

I would love to hear any of your goals for 2015 too!

Linking up to:

Personal Goals 2015

Blogger Goals 2015


  1. Great goals! Oh wow, I really need to sort out my meal planning again and learning how to use my DSLR!

    Good luck, I look forward to seeing your progress x

    1. I love seeing how bloggers take their photo and look so good. Hope you manage to learn your DSLR and look forward to seeing your photos. x

  2. Looks like we have something in common. Some of my goals for this year are: start a blog and post at least 2 times a week, create at least 1 youtube video a week and get more organized!
    hope we will both succeed ;-)

    1. Good luck with you blog and youtube, hope we can both succeed with them!

  3. some great goals. I also want to take my baby to more baby groups as i use to go to loads with my toddler but since having her brother i have been once in five months. Good luck with your goals xx


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