{The Ordinary Moments 16} #6 Peppa Pig!

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Amelia has really gotten into Peppa Pig recently as has enjoyed playing with Hollie's old Peppa Pig toys. She loves to set them out on the bed and move them from chair to chair.

 She gets annoyed with the fact that the bed isn't flat and they all fall over and so picks up all the characters and wraps them all up in her top so she can look after them I think!

It's so nice to see how she is picking up new words and sentences and how she uses them when she is playing too!

Linking up for #TheOrdinaryMoments


  1. Bless her, its lovely watching them play sometimes isn't it? Their imagination amazes me some days xx

  2. I have a little girl who is utterly Peppa Pig mad too. She loves it so much! xx

  3. Oh that's so sweet - I love how she's set out the school!


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