Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On my desk today are things I am hoping will inspire me to make some more cards for kids. I realised I have no cards suitable for kids so I need to make some so I can have some on hand.

I have some Clearly Besotted stamps and the stampin up catalogue for inspiration, as now and again,  I like to flick through the catalogue and find an idea which will spark off the inspiration for the rest of the card. 

Also, seeing all the colours on my desk inspires me too. 

I also have been thinking of things I can do/make with Hollie as today is her last day at school before the 2 week Easter holidays. Shame the weather doesn't look like it will be very good but I have been hunting out the Easter crafts in the pound shops and also looking on pinterest for things to occupy her.

Hope you are having a good week.

Linking up with Julia at Stamping Ground.


  1. Love your setup Louise. So bright and cheerful! That lamp is such a pretty color! Enjoy creating for the kids, as those are always fun and enjoy your time with them over the holiday! Happy Easter! Winnie#78

  2. I love how light and bright your desk is and is that a sundae dish filled with washi, how delicious!

    1. Thanks. The washi tape are on a glass cake stand.

  3. Such a lovely work desk. It gets so much light. Happy crafting with your daughter. #98

  4. Your workspace is so well organised and filled with lovely bright colours that I'm sure you'll make loads of cards! Happy WOYWW. Pam #21

  5. I never seem to think about having 'kids' cards on hand either. Thanks for the inspiration. I have kept every SU catty since I began purchasing years ago! I still look back at the older issues for combining old layouts with new stamps/ papers. I'm checkout our your planner pages. Creative Blessings! Kelly #158

  6. Lovely colours, and your washi tape stand looks greta with all those colours piled on!

    Happy woyww

    Debs #90


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